MLK's Humanitarianism, Strawberry Ice Cream and Kitty Hugs

Happy Tuesday! Today is…

Today is Martin Luther King’s birthday and as a day of respect in honor of this day, it is also Humanitarian Day.

Birthday Boy 2

But just in case your more of an animal lover, today is also Hug Your Cat Day. I personally won’t be hugging any critters of the feline family – it’s not itch and sneeze day.

One can never have too many cats

Today is National Strawberry Ice Cream Day. I say, if you’re not a fan of strawberry, have a bowl of your favorite flavor – just make sure to think fondly of the strawberry and think happy birthday thoughts for MLK.

For those of you who may have forgotten to rest or resolute or rationalize… And my favorite reason to celebrate today – this week – Today is New Year’s Day for procrastinators. (yet another reason for some ice cream – grin)

Have a move joyous day!

[tags] tuesdays topic, today is, history[/tags]

3 thoughts on “MLK's Humanitarianism, Strawberry Ice Cream and Kitty Hugs”

  1. New Year’s Day for procrastinators, sounds about right for me. Seems like I’m alway a bit behind the times.

    And… Mmmm, Strawberry ice cream, sounds good.

    Thanks for bringing a smile and pleasant thoughts!

  2. New Year’s Day for procrastinators, sounds about right for me. Seems like I’m alway a bit behind the times.

    And… Mmmm, Strawberry ice cream, sounds good.

    Thanks for bringing a smile and pleasant thoughts!

  3. New Year’s Day for procrastinators, sounds about right for me. Seems like I’m alway a bit behind the times.

    And… Mmmm, Strawberry ice cream, sounds good.

    Thanks for bringing a smile and pleasant thoughts!

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