“Everyone can draw – if you draw you look and if you look, you see.” Steve Eddy, a zoo keeper at the Exmoor Zoo.This is what inspired today’s topic, what does that mean?
I believe it means,
everyone is an artist because everyone “sees”.
I have always loved to create. My mother claims to have caught me coloring on the wall by age 2 or 3. However, I don’t think my perspective is skewed when I say, I honestly believe everyone is creative. What I think is usually the road block is the definition of creative. Creative doesn’t mean art… creative means thinking beyond the obvious, even for a moment. Creative means creating something.
Webster’s Dictionary says creative is “marked by the ability or power to create”. So really, if you can create, regardless of what it is, you are creative. Don’t argue, it’s true!
Image by Maven
Creativity is a type of learning process where the teacher and pupil are located in the same individual.
~ Arthur Koestler
To take this one step further,
I believe that everyone is artistic in their own realm of the world.
Art doesn’t have to be a photo or a painting or even music. Art doesn’t have to be something that is pretty to look at. Art is an expression, a representation of an emotion or message that others can experience.
Creativity requires the courage to let go of certainties.
~ Erich Fromm
In my mind, a skilled professional or a skilled trademan is more than likely artistic and creative in their skill. Artistic writing, thinking, building, helping, calculating, managing… each skill, each talent is a facet of what makes the world such a wonderful place to be; those creations of others make the whole that we each are a part of.
Image by Jef Safi
So the next time you think “gosh I wish I would draw” or “wow I wish I were creative” or “I can’t draw a straight line to save my life”,
stop and think about what you CAN do.
You have talents and skills, do them to best of your ability and do them with the ability that is uniquely you. This is your beautiful contribution to the rest of the world. Share it!
Happiness is not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort.
~ Franklin D. Roosevelt
Image by Kazze
Start seeing, and watch what comes of it.
More thoughts on creativity:
You need chaos in your soul to give birth to a dancing star.
~ Nietzsche
Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.
~ Scott Adams
Another word for creativity is courage.
~ George Prince

Gerber Daisy in Green by JGoode
I’d love to hear about it.
What is your perspective on creativity and art. Do you believe there is an artist in us all? Do you have a favorite creative quote?