Resolving the candy issue

Illustration Friday’s topic this week is “Resolve”, and the first thing that came to mind for me was my 18 month old daughter shoving all the chocolate kisses in her mouth before I could stop her. From across the room I noticed the pile of chocolates she found, I called to her — “Put the candy down”. She did, but throughout the rest day she continued to snag one here and one there. I know, the answer should have been… put them up where she can’t reach them. However, with this child, it’s not that easy. She’s a smart one, a resourceful one and a determined to do things her way…

So here is my version of the topic – resolving the candy issue.


IF: Save – The Hero Penguin

This week’s Illustration Friday theme is Save. There are a number of ways I visualize the word “save”, but for today I think the super hero penguin does the trick. He’s all about being there to help, but was originally designed as a fun “icon” to represent being there for your family… “Be a super hero for your kids”. Be fun and bigger than life. Be the protector and the motivator. Be a hero!

Superhero penguin

Every day I strive to do my best, but I’m pretty sure I have plenty of room for improvement. My goal is to have my kids think back and remember happiness.