If you’re thinking about making your own holiday cards, gift tags or other seasonal crafty creations, I have a lovely selection of holiday themed digital stamps now available. There are poinsettias, gingerbread men, carolers and even a cute penguin. You can create a wide variety of paper crafts and mix media projects using these images. I’m adding more designs regularly and love to hear your suggestions so please feel free to drop me a note with your requests.

Take a look at these holiday examples featuring JGoode Designs digital stamps. I mixed the stamps with other paper patterns, card stock and glitter. Simple and easy to make cards featuring super cute art! (Yes, I’m a little biased.)

What is a digital stamp? Digital stamps are printable art you color yourself. You download the art, print it at the desired size and then color or paint it however you like to use in your own handmade creations. These are all the designs I wanted to show you, so I printed them all out, colored them using colored pencils and design markers and then cut them out. You can find all my digital stamp designs at LilGoodies.com

What fun creations do you have planned for the holiday season?