Good People Day

Oh yes it is! April 3rd is Good People Day (according to one of my new found inspirations, Gary Vaynerchuk). I could go on and on about all the Good People I’ve met, all the Good I hope to offer People and all the People that do Good, but there’s no way there is enough room to list every name, and I would be horrified if I left one person out.

So instead I want to say THANK YOU to all the people that have inspired me, encouraged me, taught me or been there when I needed them.

This is to all the people that wake up every morning with an attitude ready to make a difference in the day… ready to conquer the world, no matter how big or small for the moment. To all the people that strive to better themselves. All the people that reach out and help those in need. To all those people that are just darn Good People.

These are the people that I hope to meet, sit with, surround my life with. It’s the Good People in the world that make the world a better place to be… and it’s the tiniest of good that can make a difference…

Try, just for today, to do One Good Thing for one person and see how it can spread. One Good Thing! Then challenge them to do the same. Take just a moment to let at least one person know that they are Good People! 😀

So here it is again, The Do Good Penguin…

Thank you for being a part of my day

original designs by JGoode at

Some Good People Blogs I recommend:

[tags]jgoode, penguin, good people,GPD08[/tags]